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Restrictions on SMS & MMS Content

Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have made sweeping changes to the way SMS/MMS deliverability works on their networks. These changes have become known to the industry as A2P 10DLC SMS or Application-To-Person Ten-Digit Long Code. All of this is intended to protect end users from SMS becoming the next major source of spam, and to prevent harsh FCC requirements around spam prevention with SMS/MMS.

As a result of the above, EVS’ Customers shall not send, or permit its users to send SMS or MMS messages pertaining to the following categories:

  • High-risk financial services (such as payday loans, short term high interest loans, third-party auto loans, third party mortgage loans, student loans, cryptocurrency, etc.)
  • Debt collection or forgiveness (such as third-party debt collection, debt consolidation, debt reduction, credit repair programs, etc)
  • Third-party lead generation services (such as Companies that buy, sell, or share consumer information.)
  • “Get rich quick” schemes (such as work-from-home programs, risk investment opportunities, pyramid schemes, etc)
  • Illegal substances (such as Cannabis, CBD, prescription drugs, etc)
  • Gambling (such as casino apps, gambling websites, etc)
  • “S.H.A.F.T” Messages (messages that pertain to Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms or Tobacco
  • Profanity
  • Threats of violence or defamation

Customer understands that this provision is a material term of this agreement, and violation of this provision may result in a $10,000 per-message fine. 

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